Monday, 2 March 2015

Reptilian Brain - right or wrong

In my pursue to grow to new levels I have encountered a very interesting 'controversy', if I may call it that.
This involves two people who are influencing thousands of people everyday. They are - Leo Gura and Elliot Hulse. In case you didn't know, they are both popular YouTubers. They are both involved in personal development.
I have come to love and believe both them. However, I found that regarding one theory, they both have drastically different opinions. Now this, confuses me because both their theories make sense. Let's go into the details.

Leo says that your reptilian brain is focused on survival. So if we continually feel threatened and concentrate on surviving, our prefrontal cortex/human brain cannot act sufficiently. There is no room for ideas, creativity if we just focus on surviving. And so it is essential to keep our reptilian brain mellowed down.

Elliot says that we use our neo cortex too much. Our modern day society demands use to continually use our 'brain' too much. We don't act instinctively anymore. Everything is reasoned and logical. This causes us become kind of like robots. No spontaneity, no motion, no physical activity. That is the way things are with most of us. So he says that it is important shut our higher brain sometimes, to let our brainstem/ reptilian brain act.

So what the hell am I supposed to do. Listening my reptilian brain leads to negative thoughts but not listening to it leads to robot-ness.

Actually, while writing this I think I've kind of figured who to believe on this topic. I think Leo has got it wrong. I don't think negative thoughts originate from our reptilian brain. I think they originate from our neo cortex. I think they come due to 'over-thinking'.
I would really love to hear your opinions regarding this.

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