Saturday, 17 January 2015


They are all over the place aren't they. Those people who have their life 'set'. It seems like they have everything that you need, right?!!

And you're thinking, "Why the fuck am I not among them? I put in just as much hard work as they did. I have it in me. I can do it. And I tried so hard. Then why?! Why? Why? Why? Why did I not get 'the rank'?"

I am not here to bash the winners. I am here to get into the psyche of the, so called, 'loser'.
No, I won't call you a loser. You are a FIGHTER! Yes! A fighter!

So read this my 'fighter'-

Life is not fair. SHIT HAPPENS. Freaking deal with it! Don't sit there and cry like a baby.
You know what you want, right?

Then go after it!!!! Do NOT let anything stop you. You are unstoppable.
You may not have it now. But one day you will.
Believe it or not, the harder your journey, the stronger you will be. If you don't struggle in life, if you get it easy, if you give up right now -
then you will remain a pussy cat. You will never be a tiger. You will never get your dreams. You will never realize your potential.
So don't compromise. Don't give up. Get your act together. And go for what you want. Keep going.

Comment below (you can even comment as anonymous) what it is that you want. And share this with your fellows who need help. 

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